I thought I was a pretty avid reader until I met my husband John. John MUST read while eating. John takes hour long showers with a book in hand (hence our books are never in loanable condition and our paperbacks are not stackable. I will have to post pictures of the murder John commits on his books). The great thing is he really knows my taste in books. He passes about 1 in 4 or 5 on to me (He reads much faster than I do. He can go through a book in a day easily, I take a week or so, depending on how hard the book is to put down.)
And I really need to make myself a list of books. I have seen some good recommendations on the blogs I lurk and I have NO excuses since I work right across the street from the Bend library. So shoot me off some recommendations! I am currently between books so I need some ASAP! I like fiction and historical novels best. Sci-fi and fantasy for sure.
This is the second time I've read about someone reading in the shower in the past week! Seriously? How is that even possible!!!
I think the day to read thing is a good idea. Most of the reading I've been doing lately is stuff I have to review. I'd love to read a great book just for fun sometime soon!
Have you tried Stephen King's 'Salems Lot? There is always the Anne Rice Mayfair Witch Trilogy too...
Tired of me yet? :P
I love Anne Rice and Stephen King! Although not somuch his later works of the last few years.
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