Friday, August 01, 2008

A Jaxon Tattoo

So a couple of weeks ago John was working on his laptop in the living room and Jaxon was hanging out with him. Jaxon got hold of a sharpie (permanent marker) and was drawing on paper and John was worried he would get it on the couch. Since he was busy on the computer and too distracted to keep a close eye on the marker he told Jaxon to draw on his back, effectively keeping Jaxon busy where John could feel the marker rather than having to watch where it was going.

And guess what? Shampoo took it right off!


Unknown said...

LOL! Cute & fun :)

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Shampoo for Sharpies? Good to know! You're full of useful tips!

Leslie said...

I love it! That must have been so fun for Jaxon.

Good to know that shampoo removes sharpie ink, too.

Leslie said...

I love it! That must have been so fun for Jaxon.

Also, good to know that shampoo removes sharpie ink.