Thursday, February 21, 2008


Going to have some accupuncture done today to hopefully alleviate the sinus pressure, lessen the drippy nose, and loosen up my chest so I am not just dry hacking. At least I got sick more than a week before vacation this time. I should be feeling mostly better by next Tuesday night before we leave. I can't believe our vacation is almost here already!

Last weekend with my folks in town was pretty nice. We have been getting some spring like weather, sunny and in the 50s so they took Jaxon outside a lot to play which he LOVED. He really is an outdoors kind of kid. Give him a truck to push around and he will play outside for an hour or more, digging, running, climbing on rocks, whatever. He hardly touches a toy (other than his tonka trucks) once the weather gets nice.

Anyway, probably won't post much before we leave town. Too busy getting ready to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better! I've never tried accupuncture. I hope it works out and you're better for your trip. Have a blast!!!!